Omnichannel: Tips for Selling Internationally to Achieve eCommerce Growth with Paul Walker, Global-e (episode 203)

by April Buencamino-dy

Paul Walker is a cross-border growth specialist at Global-e, where he uses his experience to help brands grow their sales and profits through exporting. 

Omnichannel: Tips for Selling Internationally to Achieve eCommerce Growth with Paul Walker, Global-e

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Dive in: 

[05:10] Diversify sales channels to reduce risk.
[08:20] Optimise proposition based on customer country requirements. 
[12:42] Can we handle this in-house or outsource? 
[13:36] Maintaining local knowledge essential for international business. 
[17:14] Hiring experts leads to better outcomes in-house. 
[18:08] Insider Tips from Paul! 

Diversification as Risk Management 

Expanding into new markets is a strategic move to diversify sales channels. It is also a way to mitigate risks that come with relying on a single market. This is particularly important today because consumer spending levels are changing. Competition is also increasing globally. Businesses that diversify their market presence can manage economic changes better. For eCommerce, this means not just selling through one’s own website. It means selling through physical retail, marketplaces, and international channels. Creating many pathways to generate revenue can stabilize the business against market-specific disruptions. 

Importance of Localizing Customer Experience 

When entering foreign markets, tailor the online shopping experience to local expectations. This includes language, currency, payment methods, and cultural nuances. Localizing the eCommerce experience goes beyond translation. It involves understanding what drives consumer behavior in each market. For example, offering preferred local payment options can significantly increase conversion rates. Managing logistics like shipping, returns, and customs duties to fit local laws and expectations can also help. This can boost customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

Strategic Use of Global Expertise and Technologies 

Using the services of companies like Global-e can simplify the complexity of cross-border selling. Global-e offers comprehensive solutions that manage international sales. These solutions reduce entry barriers for eCommerce businesses aiming to go global. They let businesses focus on their main products and services instead of the complexities of cross-border trade. This support allows businesses to grow quickly and efficiently while meeting international standards and customer expectations. 

Listen to hear Paul’s Insider Tips on omnichannel!  

Interview links 

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Shopify recently turned the tables on me, and took me from interviewer to interviewee.

Knowing, as they do, that the most successful retailers today are those that bridge the gap between online and offline and make it a seamless experience, Shopify wanted my thoughts on how to achieve truly connected commerce, particularly in the key areas of local selling, omnichannel selling and cross border selling.

You can read my thoughts, along with other commerce experts from Germany, France, Spain and Italy by downloading the report.

Full transcript to read & download:

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